Wednesday, March 16, 2011

In Bondage

I’ve tried to be intentional in asking God everyday to do a work in me, to illuminate the areas of my life that need work, and to reveal himself to me continuously. The more I ask for these things the more I am humbled; however, I’ve realized how much my past hurt hinders my relentless pursuit. I have discovered how much I am still in bondage; I’m a slave to fear, worry, and anger.

In making this discovery, I knew that in order to successfully live out my relentless pursuit I needed to humble myself before the Lord and ask for healing. I have been through and seen more than most teenagers and it is time for me to acknowledge it is more than I can handle on my own.

How relentlessly could I be pursuing my savior if I wasn’t willing to trust Him to handle ALL parts of my life? How could I encourage people to be “souled out” for Christ if I was still carrying around anger? I am giving my past to Christ. I am humbly coming before Him asking Him to heal me. I am ready to deal with some painful parts of my life and rid myself of them! I am praising God because He is more than capable of healing me and He is more than capable of healing you too.

What are you carrying? What is holding you down? Maybe you are feeling the same way. Maybe there are parts of your life that you are angry with God about. Maybe there are things from your past that you carry around every single day. Maybe you are tired of being burdened. Maybe you are ready to claim Galatians 5:1 over your life. “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” In one of Beth Moore’s studies she asks readers to make liberty in Christ a reality in your life. How powerful is that? Christ wants us to have liberty in Him. Christ wants to free you of whatever you are held slave to. The hard part is that you have to let Him. You have to risk opening up painful parts of your life so that he can completely take them away. You have to risk encountering tough emotions so that you can experience a new freedom in Christ! When you ask God to heal you and free you of your burdens he will. He can make you whole again. While it might take a lot of time, I promise you that if you seek Christ in the hardest times of your life you will feel his comforting hand in the end. You will be able to say “I sought the Lord, and he answered me, he delivered me from all my fears.” Psalm 34:4 Claim that for your life!

1 comment:

  1. I like the name of your blog. I sense by reading your posts that it very aptly describes your life. Thank you for sharing your heart.
