Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Return to me, Beloved.

As humans, we are so quick to claim everything as our own. We get so caught up in feeling sorry for ourselves that we forget the redemption we were given at the cross!

God sends us his son to die. We complain about going through trials.

Jesus takes on all of our sin so that we can experience freedom. We complain about not having the right job.

God promises us redemption and new life! We get complacent in growing to know Him.

God delivers us from a season of hardship! We get prideful and call the healing our own and forget our need for him.

How quickly I forget what was done, what is being done, and what is promised for those who are faithful to God. What a blessing it is that we serve a God who is continually waiting for our return. Joel 2:13 encourages us to “Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and compassionate.” Praise God!

I fall into sin and he whispers, “Return to me, Beloved.” I get prideful and he whispers, “Return to me, Beloved.” I stop trusting him and he whispers, “Return to me, Beloved.” I fear the future and he whispers, “Return to me, Beloved.” I surrender my will, my fears, my doubts, and my insecurities to Him and he whispers, “I’ve missed you, Beloved.” What beauty there is in knowing that he will waiting for us always.

In our pride we can demand God to deliver us out of hardship and not want to give up anything ourselves. In order for God to bless you, his child, you have to act! In order for you to feel at peace in your current situation you have to turn to Him. He would fight for you if you would be faithful to Him. He would forgive you if you would humble yourself to Him. He would overwhelm you with His love if you would seek Him wholeheartedly. He will! Would you? He is waiting! Would you make the necessary changes to seek him and put the world aside? I think if you would listen you would hear his whisper, “Return to me, Beloved.”


  1. Human nature doesn't change. How many times in the Old Testament people strayed away from God. I'm glad we have those examples. It shows how long suffering our creator really is. Thank you for the wisdom you've shared in this post.

  2. I love how you say, "in order to have peace in your current situation, you have to turn to him". So true! Thanks for sharing.

    I host a link up on Fridays called Brag on God Fridays. It might be something your interested in.
