Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Yes, you may call me nostalgic.

A few weeks ago I ventured into my room for a seriously late spring cleaning. I decided I was finally going to go through all of my “stuff” that was no longer vital to my survival that I keep. It was not until I actually went to get rid of everything that I realized exactly how nostalgic I am as a person. I have a drawer in my room filled will napkins from Disney restaurants, receipts from tourist stores in other parts of the country, business cards from local professionals I spoke to once, and letters with pictures of cute children that I don’t have a clue how I’m related to. I am an organized person; however, I have become a genius at neatly arranging a lot of junk that I seem to cling to. Somehow I feel that the multi-billion dollar Disney industry will suffer if I don’t keep all of their restaurant napkins. I think that the local professionals will regret giving me their business card if I throw it away. I especially have a hard time throwing away a picture of a child that someone obviously loved enough to send to my family. I lock text messages that make me smile. I tape notes and pictures on every inch of my wall. I keep small pieces of treasure that amount to absolutely nothing. I am nostalgic.
    I’ve recently realized that these nostalgic tendencies not only affect the cleanliness of my room but the freeness of my heart (corny, I know.) I cling to past hurts and experiences thinking that it is best for me to protect myself from future hurt. If I am being honest with all of you holding onto these experiences is as if I’m saying “God, I love you BUT I’m not sure you can handle this better than I can. I don’t think I will give these parts of my life to you because I don’t believe that I can absolutely trust you in every situation.” While I will probably always be a nostalgic person holding onto notes, posters, and magazine cutouts, I refuse to be the person that desperately holds onto the past. I am in absolute awe in all of the healing my savior has done in my life. I had to let go of those things in order to achieve liberty in Him. I think it is a large part of our natural defense mechanism to hang onto things of the past to protect us from those things in the future, but I wonder if in doing so we miss out on something so much greater that God has for us. God is in the business of redeeming every part of your life and binding up your heart from past hurts. It is actually one of His jobs! (Isaiah 61:1) I want to encourage all of you to join me in surrendering every part of your life to Him. Maybe it is something so big you are going to have to surrender five times every hour. Maybe it is something you’ve always felt like you have dealt with but realize you still hold onto. Maybe you know someone struggling with this that you could encourage. “Seventy years are given to us! Some even live to eighty. But even the best years are filled with pain and trouble; soon they disappear, and we fly away.” Psalm 90:10 (NLT) Soon the troubles that you cling to will disappear and you will be free to fly away. This starts by acknowledging that God is healer and deserves every part of your life. Until the day we fly away I ask that you would continually be a servant after God’s own heart, surrendering everything, and living every day under the direct influence of the Holy Spirit.


  1. Hello Emily, I believe we are all somewhat nostalgic. And we all entertain memories of when life hurt....we can choose to applaude or squash them, depending on certain reasons.

    Sometimes, we need to share those hurts IF in someway it will help another to witness that nothing is that bad,as to be final. Often when we testify of our own experience and overcoming is gives encouragement and hope..
    For ourselves... we need to remember the scripture which says. "All things work together for good, for those who love the Lord and are called, according to His purpose."
    Romans 8:28
    A diamond isn't beautiful until its been polished... and so it is with us..
    Much love Crystal Mary

  2. It is good to pause and reflect. Only then can we see spiritual growth and blessing. We moved recently, as as we unboxed I found old treasures: Old family photos, personal journals back to my high school days, old love letters to my husband, WWI memorabilia that was my Great-Uncle's, and other treasures. As I read through some of the journals, I saw a girl with low self esteem. One that was hurting. Today I look in the mirror and see a woman who is confident and full of the Spirit. Thanks be to God!

  3. It's hard to let go of things, and even harder to let go of emotions.
    God Bless,

  4. I guess I'm probably too nostalgic. I know I could get rid of a lot of stuff in my life but I hang on to them, like clothes that I haven't worn in years but I think it's too good to get rid of. I might want to wear it some day. I need to get over this. I hope I don't do that in other areas of my life as well. Something I need to think about. Thank you for the reminder.
