Sunday, May 1, 2011

And, so, I cried with Jesus...

Okay, so I’m about to be a little bit more raw than I’m used to on here. I am pretty much the exact opposite of a girl when you think of us in terms of tears. That girl sobbing during a romantic comedy? Not me. That girl wailing when she finds an especially reaching part of a fiction novel? Not me. That girl making a variety of highly unattractive noises and faces in attempt to hold in the tears? Almost entirely and accurately describes who I am. I cannot fully explain to you, my willing readers, how much I despise crying. God definitely as a sense of humor because, ironically, a high majority of my close friends cry frequently and have quite often been crying in unison around me. It is important for you to fully comprehend my deep hatred of tears, so that you can better understand how humbling it was for me to cry this past week with Jesus. I have laughed with him. I have sung praises to Him. I have served Him. I have been mad at Him. I have ignored Him. I have fallen to my knees in surrender of Him. My relationship with Him has taken me to all sorts of crazy emotions; however, I have never cried with Jesus. Never.

This past week I was thrown for a loop and found my relationship with Christ at a different place than it has ever been before. God spoke to me through these Matthew West lyrics, “I’ve been waiting for you for all this time. Been hoping you’d wait for me and the lesson I’ve learned is love always returns when its true. I’m so glad I waited for you.” At the end of this song when this part was sung again I just started sobbing. I couldn’t hold it in no matter how hard I tried. I felt Him holding me in his arms telling me He was waiting for me. He was waiting on me to realize that he has always been waiting on me with open arms. It was God’s love song to me. It is His love song to you. His declaration no matter where you are or how you are feeling that “I AM WAITING FOR YOU!!!!!” He has been waiting for you. Not only that, He is so glad that he waited on you because, my dear, you are beloved.

I encourage you to remember 2nd Corinthians 12: 9-10, “‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power my rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” His power is made perfect when we are lost, stressed, broken, and hurt. For when we are weak, he inhabits our lives and makes us strong. He is waiting to inhabit your life and to make you strong in Him.


  1. I love you and I'm so proud to be your Mom!! I know it must have been difficult to share this. But you did a beautiful job of pointing us to God's love!!!

  2. I'm not much of a "crier" either, but music is one thing that can really touch me and bring tears to my eyes.
